For over 50 years, Wessex Test Equipment has produced a range of laboratory testing equipment for pedestrian and highway surface materials..

Wessex Test Equipment is a leading manufacturer in this specialist market, exporting and supporting products worldwide

Wessex Test Equipment has over 50 years experience in the specialist field of slip resistance. The WESSEX PROGRAM! offers:

The British Pendulum and the Tortus Floor Friction tester are the only internationally recognised and certified slip resistance tools in the market place (see Standards). Wessex Engineering (and Severn Science, the holding company previously responsible for the manufacture of the Tortus) are safety professionals, with many years experience in the Slip Resistance field.

The combined manufacture of both the Pendulum and the Tortus enables Wessex to offer the most comprehensive, all encompassing slip resistance programme in the world.

Wessex Engineering can offer measurement of both the dynamic and static coefficient of friction.

The British Pendulum is endorsed by the UK Health & Safety Executive

The Tortus Floor Friction Tester is endorsed by the American Ceramic Tile Association:

Both instruments are portable supplied complete with a carrycase.

Both instruments are simple to use, with full training upon request.

Wessex Engineering have a network of global agents available to offer total support.

The WESSEX PROGRAM! provides a total floor testing solution, utilising both the Tortus and the Pendulum.

The program also provides training, calibration, consultancy and support.