Our experience over 50 years manufacturing and calibrating Pendulum and Tortus, places us as leaders internationally in the field of slip and slide.
INTERNATIONAL WeSseX in Spain launches a full service testing of slipperiness and digital certification through LABORATORIES Wessex, where our manufacturing experienceguarantees our measurements and tests.
The Pendulum (UNE-ENV 12633:03) manufactured by Wessex is recognized worldwide as a leader seated institutional and policy within their area.
Today is the industry standard for a wide range of applications for surface measurement.
All our pendulums and Tortus are calibrated annually so that data are accurate and reliable.
Measurements must be accompanied by a calibration certificate of the year in force and accompanied by serial number.
We monthly correlations between all our teams to maintain excellence and technical accuracy.
Calibration Laboratory have where our technicians Pendulum and Tortus review, comparingdaily results.
Laboratory only have 2 pendulums and 2 Tortus only for testing correlations.
We have the newest equipment on the market.
As manufacturers renew every two years.
In our growth process we are creating logistical units in each Autonomous Community.
En nuestro proceso de crecimiento estamos creando unidades logísticas en cada Comunidad autónoma.